Sunday, May 31, 2009

Music, Babies, Literature & Stuff

I am back online using the awesome power of the internet in this age of instant messaging to blog about things that happened 2 weeks ago. I am lazy. It's been a pretty cool 2 weeks. First up:

1. Ulysses and I went to see Ravi Shankar & Anoushka Shankar play a rare combined performance at the Mondavi Center back on 05/13/09. It was fantastic. The show got started about 30 minutes late as the fire alarm went off and the fire department showed up for some mysterious reason. Perhaps it was because Ravi and Anouska were on FIRE (not literally, just metaphorically. Seriously, everyone is fine.) Ravi is 88 years old and responsible for THIS and THIS. Ravi, keep up the good work.

2. We were supposed to celebrate Pieter's birthday on 05/14/09, however that was interupted by the birth of his daughter, Lola, on 05/13/09. Congratulation to Lucy and Pieter! Also, Pieter just recently won the Sacramento News and Review's "Flash Fiction" contest. Being the creative sort, Pieter is now responsible for THIS and THIS. Pieter, keep up the good work.

3. On Friday, 5/15/09, I had the opportunity to see my friend Chris' band Weird Harold play at the Concert in the Park. Great set, it was probably the most athletic performace I have seen in a long time. If you get the chance to see them, I highly recomend it. Chris is now repsonsible for THIS and THIS. Chris, keep up the good work.

4. Last night I had the opportunity to see Tiesto and the community center. Great show. Very loud. Lots of blinky lights, fog machines and glow sticks. Good times.