Friday, February 23, 2007

Bike Race!

On Tuesday I wandered down to the Tower Bridge to watch a good, old fashioned bicycle race. The second stage of the Amgen Tour of California arrived in town about 2:00 after starting in Santa Rosa at 10:00 a.m. Although the excitement lasted all of about about 5 seconds, it was still good times. Here is my story...


coryandfarah said...

Dang! Here I am again finding out about yet another cool thing about Sacramento after we moved back to Socal. I would have loved to see (to photograph) the bikers pass through. Looks fun. We'll have to come pass through sometime soon but don't worry, we'll be there more than five seconds. Let's go to that Japanese restaurant across from your Dad's old pharmacy. Can't remember the name but it was good stuff...

House of Grace said...

Is it irony that it was a bicycle piece that stopped your car tonight?

Ryan said...

Maybe House of Grace is on to something here.... I posted some pics of you and your car last night on the LJ blog