Thursday, July 26, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

More Bridges (Local Edition)

I have to give a shout out to Cory for the pictorial inspiration.

For those who believe the Tower Bridge is just Sacramento's little copy of the Golden Gate, prepare to have your minds blown! The Tower Bridge was completed in 1935 while the Golden Gate Bridge was completed in 1937. Discuss.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More Marin Headlands

I know what your saying, "We know you went hiking, now shut up already!" But it's my blog and I'll post what I want. Now sit back and enjoy the pretty pictures. (Was that hostile enough?)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Golden Gate

This is a continuation of my previous post. After hiking to Hill 88, Ulysses and I hiked (and drove) to Hawk Hill. This is the probably the best place to view the Golden Gate Bridge in all of San Francisco. I timed this trip to coincide with the full moon, and it was definitely worth it. I also have to give props to the Marin Headlands park rangers. Technically the park closes at sunset, but we were there with dozens of other gawkers well past 11:00 pm without ever being hassled by The Man. To quote Ferris Bueller, "If you have the means, I highly recommend it."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hill 88

On Saturday, 06/30/07, Ulysses and I went for a little hike around the Marin Headlands. One of the more interesting hikes was to Hill 88. Hill 88 is a former radar station for decommissioned Nike SAM site SF- 88, which is located on a nearby hill. It's an interesting little bit of cold war history amidst some beautiful scenery.