Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Golden Gate

This is a continuation of my previous post. After hiking to Hill 88, Ulysses and I hiked (and drove) to Hawk Hill. This is the probably the best place to view the Golden Gate Bridge in all of San Francisco. I timed this trip to coincide with the full moon, and it was definitely worth it. I also have to give props to the Marin Headlands park rangers. Technically the park closes at sunset, but we were there with dozens of other gawkers well past 11:00 pm without ever being hassled by The Man. To quote Ferris Bueller, "If you have the means, I highly recommend it."


Anonymous said...

Great pics Dan.


Tyson said...

Holy cow, Dan, these last two posts kicked my butt. Great pics.

coryandfarah said...

Wow, Dan. These are really beautiful! I take my hat off to you... but it stops there!! ;)

You should get your stuff in a Midtown coffee shop or gallery for the monthly art walk. You really have some great pics here, Dan-san. Keep up the good work.