Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Hello world.

In the beginning was the command line...

Anyway, here I am. After seemingly years of encouragement, cajoling, harassment, sleepless nights and threats of physical violence, I have finally succumbed to peer pressure and joined the world of blogs. I am not quite sure what I am going to do with this thing yet, but hopefully it won't completely suck. If you would like to see what a real, thoughtful and well-crafted blog looks like, I have provided some links over there =>, to the right of the page. Over the next few weeks I plan on getting to know my blog by experimenting with various colors and fonts. Feel free to provide me with any comments or feedback/hints/tips/sarcastic remarks. Like my houseplants, I promise (mostly) to "water" or "update" my blog at least once a month so that it does not wither and die. I would like to thank Tyson for inspiring me to start the blog through the previously mentioned threats of physical violence and Cory for helping me realize the dream by creating the above banner and showing me how my computer actually works. And as always, I would like to thank Blackthorn for helping me get through all of this. Thank you!


coryandfarah said...

first comment!

Tyson said...

You mention one of my favorite books. Unfortunately, I think it's out of print, and my copy got loaned out years ago and never returned.

By the way, I strongly recommend clicking 'yes' on the "Show word verification for comments?" setting - this will prevent your comments from being filled up with comment spam.

Tyson said...

That's my head, you fool!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dan. Congrats on the blog.

Ryan said...

Dr. Dan-

Welcome to blogosphere. Just as I make my exit, you make your entrance. You are doing your part to keep balance in the world.

Eric said...

Congrats, Dan. You're officially a blog nerd now. Welcome to the club.

I noticed your link to my blog, under the heading, "Other Great Blogs" I find this both flattering and arrogant, as it implies that your blog has already acheived greatness. We'll be the judge of that, Dan. ;)

coryandfarah said...

We're about ready for more blog greatness, Dan.

R said...

You know Tyson, that nothing is ever really gone. Stephenson released "In the beginning..." under the creative commons license. You can download it and print it out.

Or you can wait for me to come down and hand you my copy, which lives in a binder with a couple of Cory Doctoro novels.